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Ed From FiveNineties
Mike Park of The Chinkees and Asian Man Records
Q and not U
Ian Mackaye
Mike Park of The Chinkees and Asian Man Records

PRR -  Being an independent label, there is certainly more
of an emphasis on the music side of the record
industry than the business side, however when you sign
a band is there any consideration as to will this band
sell enough records for us to at least break even with
Mike - Definitely, but I also put out releases knowing that there's very little chance of me breaking even, but because I like the band, I do it. 

PRR - Your label takes a strong stand against racial,
sexual, and any other type of profiling that takes
place in our society, do you feel that as musicians
there is a responsibiliy to tell people that hate and
prejudice aren't the right choices to make in life,
and how do you feel the musicians should go about
doing this?
Mike - I don't think that's their responsibility.  It's just an incredible tool that we can use to spread ideas.  It's really up to the individual on how they want to convey their messages.  Ya know...  

PRR - As an independent label who do you feel is hurting
the record industry more in your eyes the RIAA or
websites that allow people to hear music they may not
have heard otherwise for free, what do you feel are
some corrective methods to this problem that would
keep both bands and fans happy?
Mike - Gosh, it's hard to say.  I think back to vinyl records and the fact that we would always tape the records on cassette and people thought that was going to kill sales.  I don't see the difference.  I'm in a different situation though.  I'm not motivated by capitalist gain.  I just want people to hear my music.  If I'm able to get my music heard, that's the only important thing for me.  But there are bands that rely on their sales to feed them and their families so I don't down play their concerns either.  I have no answers?  Sorry..

PRR - Since your based in Northern California I must ask,
what are your thoughts on San Francisco marrying same
sex couples even though this violates state law, is
such deviation from the law a respectable offense in
this case?
Mike - SF has always been known for it's large gay population.  If they love their partners, it's obvious they would want the same rights of marriage.  In any state, the persons involved should do what they feel strongly about without being harrassed or frowned upon.  I think SF because of it's history has taken that stance to start their revolution.  Which is ok with me. 

PRR - If you could take any three bands ever on tour with
you which bands would you take with you and why?
Mike - Oh man.. this is an impossible question.  But here's 3, but there's lots more:
-Bad Brains in the D.C. days to see the explosion of energy and the racial barriers being torn down.
-Minor Threat to see the articulate Ian Mackaye with non stop energy
-Fishbone during their run in the 80's were the best band in America. 

PRR - What are your thoughts on modern mainstream music
in comparison with with mainstream music 10 or 15
years agom, has the industry become diluted or have
bands just become less original?
Mike - It's always the same.  Whatever is popular is frowned upon at the moment.  I'm sure in 15 years we'll be looking back being blown away by the amazingness of Good Charlotte and Blink 182.  Hmmmm..... Let's hope not. 

PRR - How big of a problem are unsolicited demos and
other promo material for you, what do you do with it
when you get it, and the final part of this question
what would you advise these bands spend their money on
instead of this promo material?
Mike - I hate it.  I can't keep up with the demos.  I can't physically listen to them unless that's all I did.   Spend your money on making cd's and flyers for your shows.  Promote yourself DIY!!  I know I make it sound easy, but that's all I know.  

PRR - What do you think of our current president, and who
would you like to so see take his place in the coming
election, if anyone?
Mike - Kerry is gonna be the Democ. nominee.  So that's the only other choice we have.  I'm sure Bush is not a bad guy.  I would never be rude to him if we were in conversation.  I just don't agree with the conservative politics.  I'm a liberal. 
PRR - I know Cursive is on Plea For Peace this year, they
aren't known for their political viewpoints, so how do
bands get chosen for this tour?
Mike - Political viewpoints in music doesn't equate political passion.  Most bands that spout rhetoric makes for funny music to my ears in most cases.  There's the Woodie Gutheries of the world of course who turn things into poetic art.  But Cursive is a band I met a few years back and we hit it off right away.  I knew they were solid in their beliefs and that's why they were approached to perform on the tour. 

PRR - Is the band name The Chinkees a play on the once
racist term in hopes of making people get past the
racist forms it once held?At the once racist term?
Mike - That's still as fuckin racist as you can get.  It's there to make you react and question  It's a hard name to breathe out.  But that's what we have to do. 
Peace, Mike