Me: Who are your main musical inspirations? Matt: flea, saves the day, and me without you Mike:
travis barker, dave grohl, mxpx, saves the day, alkaline trio and nirvana Alex: Saves the Day MxPx Thursday Further Seems
Forever Mike: and mewithoutyou Alex: yes Me: Do you think that kind of musical diversity adds to your
sound and seperates you from a lot of the high school "punk rockers" today? Alex: ya quite
a bit Mike: yeah, i hope Matt: um, about that.....yes i do diversity is good Alex: i think we appeal to a wide crowd Mike:
i think we're throwing a little bit of stuff that will catch people's ears who would otherwise blow us off as mall punk. Alex:
exactly mike u always know just what to say i love you buddy Alex: you to matt Me: What do you think about our
"elected" leader? Matt: he's got a cool voice Alex: hes a bit slow Matt: other than that,
he's worthless Mike: the furher.....haha Alex: matt and his comic relief haha Mike: i love you matthew, i think Alex:
as do i Mike: he's a decent person but a total sod of a president Alex: but a bad leader to the max Mike: i mean,
he's leading w/ his emotions, not his head (which in his case might actually be a good thing) Me: LoL Alex:
haha Mike: and he's very easily influenced, it seems like Alex: either way hes screwing us over Mike: and very easy
to piss off yeah, and if the we go to war, i go to mexico
Me: Do any of you listen to music outside of what most people think you would, and if so what is it? Matt:
im a big fan of chuck perry Alex: hardcore i like norma jean alot alot of older music like the eagles and alot of joe walsh's
solo stuff the beatles Paul McCarttney Wings Alex: o ya by the way i dont believe in commas Mike: i listen to van morrison,
sixpence, the temptations, moby, anything motown or jazz ,lol, we can tell alex, we can tell Me: Mike obviously
does however Mike: strong believer Alex: lol im to lazy to reach over and hit that darn comma key Mike:
i got to church w/ commas Matt: i like the smashing pumpkins Alex: haha o ya Mike: me too Alex: pumpkins Mike:
smashing pumpkins are huge Me: What inspires your lyrics and songs as a whole? Alex: girls Mike:
personal experiences for the most part Matt: whatever mike and alex write about Alex: alot about girls and i gotta get
away from that Mike: my parents' divorce has had a huge impact on the lyrics i've written lately Matt: for me its food
and milk Mike: and listening to mewithoutYou over the summer changed my writing style completely Matt: but you know Mike:
and then there's the occasional mt. dew rant Alex: o yes the mt dew Mike: then i touch matt's butt while he sings about
milk Me: mmmmmm milk, Gummi Bears or Sweedish Fish and why? Alex: gummi bears variety
Mike: definitely swedish fish for the texture and stronger flavor Matt: man, i like gummi bears better but
i'd perfer sour patch kids Mike: man, you guys suck. Matt: i'd go for the variety Mike: i didnt know you liked gummi
bears, otherwise this band would not exist Alex: haha Mike: i just cant deal w/ that kind of diversity Me:
Are you candy prejudice, Huh mike? Matt: fatty foods all the way Mike: i am, what about it? Me:
At least you've come to terms with your bigotry of the candy industry. Mike: i'm tolerant, haha,
no hate crimes from me...yet. Me: Good or Evil and why? Alex: good Matt: good, cuz
mean people aren't nice Mike: generally good Alex: very observant matt' Mike: but then you have the "party of god",
in which case i'd go w/ evil, sorry, i had to throw politics in there for fun Me: Politics are fine, I will get
to those later though, maybe limblesshamster: hehe Matt: i don't pay attention to politics,
thier too confusing Alex: fox news matt its very user friendly Mike: haha Me: Any favorite local bands? Mike:
definitely autumn w/o audrey, PVS, sides of the north Alex: autumn without audrey (Six days until Sunday) Alex: sides
of the north, pvs, doug says hi Mike: those are the biggest, but there are very few we dont like (*stratus*) Alex: haha
you mean bonnevile Me: I hear they are changing their name to Mustang soon Mike: how
about the girl-jean-car-name-faggots, haha,really? i heard Coupe Deville Matt: ummum dangit........when sparks fly Alex:
hmm i dunno then Me: Who pees in the shower? Alex: ME!!!! Mike: i pee in the shower all
the time Matt: thats who i was thinkin of Alex: im not walkin all the way to the toilet Mike: i'm sure we forgot
like at least 20 bands that we love Alex: when there is a drain and water running alread Mike: yeah, it's the same basic
structure as a toilet Me: LoL Mike: hole, water, urine, occasionally feces Alex: haha Me:
If you could spend a day with Osama Bin Ladin, what would you do and what band would you take him to see? Alex: marilon manson, and hope he dies in the pit Mike: that's a toughie, i'd hafta say.....take him to a
strip club Alex: haha Mike: then to someplace that involves beastiality and goats/camels Matt: some kid broke his
arm in our pit, thats crazy Akex: ya Mike: yeah insanity Me: Stupid violent pitters Alex:
ya Mike: yeah i think he just fell on it wrong, though Matt: but still Alex: to surviving monday they should've done
it in pvs's pit they are so much more moshable Mike: yeah Me: Yeah you guys have that whole we could kick
your ass but we'd rather play good tunes instead thing. Alex: do we? Me: Yeah Mike: haha, thank you muchly Me: PVS plays good tunes that make you kick someone elses ass.....Well
moshing wise Alex: im an emo kid at hard truthfully you could slit my throat and w/ my last
gaping breath i'd appologize for bleading on your shirt Mike: haha Matt: your a fag alex Mike: that's the worst
thing i've ever heard you say Alex: lol,its a taking back sunday line Me: Is punk dead? Alex:
no Mike: carpet biter Alex: haha that would make me a lesbian mike Mike: whatever Alex: your so dumb Mike:
homosexual Alex: there you go Matt: i think punk music is making a revival but not in the way people expect it to Mike:
no, as long as there are kids rebelling against injust authority, kids in their garage w/ guitars, doing however they want
to, punk will live, yeah Me: Any mention of Avril Lavigne in this answer gets you kicked Mike:
as far as music, i'd say it's alive as ever Alex: ya punk has evolved like any other style has and people just wont
admit it Mike: haha, no no, i'll admit she plays decent pop tunes, but no punk credibililty whatsoever Me: exactly.....she
is kinda hot too Alex: thats what the mute button was invented for though Mike: yeah, the beatles
and the ramones experimtented w/ their sound, but if a punk band tries that now, it's 'sell out' Alex: i hate people Mike:
yeah, avril on mute is like pizza w/o mushrooms Alex: haha perfect Me: What is in everyone's CD player at
the moment? Matt: coheed and cambria Alex: further seems forever saves the day Me: you really
are an emo kid LoL jk Alex: i have a 5 disk changer so do i get 5 cds Alex: i am Mike: my room: MxPx life in general;
my car: the Ataris Alex: and after this i will go cry in the dark Mike: and in my PC: antiflag in my living room:
Ultimate Fakebook Alex: hey thats my cd when can i get that back Matt: i only use one c.d. player Mike: oh! in
my tape player in the basement: oasis Alex: dude your done now Mike: yeah, i am now Alex: good Mike: now let me
touch your butt Me: Ok and my final two questions are jokes of sorts that I'm asking because Alex made me think
of it. How many emo kids does it take to screw in a lightbuld? Mike: none they all cry in the dark Alex:
they cry in the dark Mike: just like alex. Me: exactly Matt: 2 Alex: guys stop ur making
me all misty over here Matt: one to hold the crying kid screwing the lightbulb Mike: haha Me: How many
ska kids does it take to screw in a lightbuld? Matt: 2 Alex: i dunno Mike: ooh, that's a new
one for me Mike: one to skank to the other doing it, that sucked Alex: ya that did Matt: one to hold the kid with
trumpet screwing the lightbulb in Alex: that was worse Mike: haha yeah Me: to drop it the other
one to pick it up pick it up Alex: haha Mike: hahaha i dig muchly Alex: me too Me:
And I am done and thank you for giving me an interview I can use to make you guys look funny if you ever end up on Vh1's Before
They Were Stars. Alex: how many member of stratus does it take to screw in a light bulb Mike: haha Matt:
2 Mike: rod stewart Alex: none they pay sumone to do it