PRR: Well, Why don't we start with you introducing yourself and telling people
what you do in the fivenineties Ed: I'm Ed, I play guitar and do the vocals PRR: What is
it like to finally have a show at a venue? Ed: well, basement shows can be pretty awesome, but there's something
about being able to use a P.A. that wasn't made to give graduation speeches that really adds something PRR:
Who are you main musical/lyrical influences? Ed: I've always been a big Bad Religion guy, but we've really started
to go in more of a Queers Screeching Weasel sort of direction, so it varies PRR: So you guys are into
pop/punk before the term became a damnnation of all things punk? Ed: i wouldn't say pop punk, i'd have to learn
to sing and write all my lyrics about my girlfriend breaking up with me before i could agree, but if you're talking about
the Queers as pop punk meaning catchy and sweet, then we're working on it. PRR: I know from just casual
conversation you're a fairly well read individual, who are some of your favorite authors? Ed: actually, i don't
really have much time to read, but i can tell you i hate Hawthorne PRR: What did he write again? Ed:
the Scarlet Letter and i blame him for inspiring Melville, jerk. PRR: we should kill him Ed:
dude, if we had a time machine PRR: I would do other things first, get down with Marilyn Monroe Ed:
good call PRR: What do you think of the local scene we have here both bands and fans? Ed:
I don't get to go up to Kettering as much as i'd like, but from the bands i have seen it looks like Emo has really been in
style the past couple years, ear bleeding emo, but that's not to say there aren't any good emo bands around. PRR:
What can we expect from fivenineties in 2004? Ed: and the kids that go to the Gathering Grounds and other places
to listen to the music and not try to pick up chicks are normally pretty cool guys, I'm hoping for some more shows, an updated
site, more songs, and if possible a CD that doesn't suck too badly PRR: Do you think emo was
a good idea to start with but has become grossly watered down over the years? Ed: i think that emo can be awesome
in the right hands PRR: tear moistened ones? Ed: At the Drive in totally awesome, but Thrice
and Finch suck, and i hate the screaming PRR: I dig that, do you get into anything outside
of punk, if so what? Ed: that high pitch girl screaming pisses me off, but not everyone does it, so it can be good,
i listen to a lot of other alt stuff, like Pedro the Lion Counting Crows type, and for some reason i've had a pretty steady
hard on for the beatles lately PRR: Hey all I gotta say is Helter Skelter Ed: dude, Eleanor
Rigby PRR: What do you prefer in political bands bands that give facts (Bad Religion) or bands that
force their opinions on the listener (Anti-Flag) Ed: Lyricly i'd rather listen to a band like Bad Religion that
lays out what they believe and if you agree that's cool, if not, there's still some wicked guitar solo's for you PRR: word to that Ed: but if a band feels so strongely that they want to boss you around a
little bit, sometimes its a more effective approach PRR: Who would win in a battle of the bands Bad
Religion or The Clash? Ed: vocally and instrumentally i'd have to hand it to bad religion Ed: if inivation was
a factor, then it might help the Clash, but in a battle of the bands... PRR: If you could play a show
with any three bands who would they be and why? Ed: i'd have to say the Adversaries for one, since they are the
ska scene for a good couple miles and they're all cool guys, the Dead Kennedy's (if they were still together) cause they're
totally sweet, and i'm sure they'd but on a hell of a show, and Minor Threat, just cause they seem to have that "fuck em',
we like our music," kind of attitude and they're totally sweet PRR: What would people find in
your CD collection that they wouldn't expect? Ed: well, right now, nothing, cause they were all stolen with my CD
player in my truck, but i'm a big Reverand Horton Heat guy, i don't know how shocking that is, but the Rev is good music PRR: What bands got you into punk rock? Ed: honestly, bands like Green Day and Blink (radio punk) PRR: Ok here is your last question, if you could wipe any band off the face of the Earth which band and why? DuctTapeRomantic:
i'd have to go with the Misfits after Danzig left and they got all metal and crappy PRR: Cool dude,
thanks for your time Ed: not only did it really fuck with the Misfits legacy, but it gave goth kids a reason to
say they like the Misfits